Friday, June 8, 2012

My Intro

Not sure where to start so I will begin by telling you I became a Mama in November and I am enjoying every minute I have with my little Magoo! I had a lot to consider when deciding to become a stay at home Mom. Some financial doubts and some doubts about the ability to be a mom full time! In the end, staying home with my LO has been the best decision I have ever made! And so together my Magoo and I learn. I learn patience and signals and he learns to sit up, roll over (my son not my dog), and pull himself up. 
We all get an ear full of advise from our families and then we also go hunting the Internet for advice from other moms. In the end the only people that will have the right answer is you and your LO. It's all a process. You take the advice and put it through a strainer and keep the good parts and then put your twist on it that makes it work for you. I won't claim to know what works since this is my first go at it, what works now may not tomorrow.